Hermit_yellow cards

Name Image Upgraded image Rarity Type Cost Description Mod
Covet Basic Skill 0 Discard 1 card. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Discarded Curses are Exhausted. Downfall
Defend Basic Skill 1 Gain 5 (8) Block. Downfall
Snapshot Basic Attack 1 Deal 5 (7) damage. hermit:Dead_On: Gain 8 (10) Block. Downfall
Strike Basic Attack 1 Deal 6 (9) damage. Downfall
Body Armor Common Skill 1 Gain 10 (16) Block. Add a Defend (*Defend+) to your discard pile. Exhaust. Downfall
Coalescence Common Skill 1 Gain 5 (8) Block. Retain up to 2 (3) cards this turn. Downfall
Desperado Common Attack 1 Deal 14 (18) damage. Gain 2 Frail. Downfall
Dive Common Skill 1 Gain 7 (10) Block. hermit:Dead_On: Gain 1 (2) Plated Armor. Downfall
Feint Common Skill 0 Gain 4 (6) Block. Apply 2 (3) hermit:Bruise to ALL enemies. Downfall
Glare Common Skill 0 Apply 1 (2) Weak and (1) Vulnerable. Downfall
Headshot Common Attack 1 Deal 8 (10) damage. hermit:Dead_On: Deal double damage. Downfall
High-Caliber Common Attack 1 Deal 12 (18) damage. Add a Strike (*Strike+) to your discard pile. Exhaust. Downfall
Hole Up Common Skill 1 Gain 12 (16) Block. Gain 2 Weak. Downfall
Itchy Trigger Common Attack 2 Deal 15 (20) damage. hermit:Dead_On: Reduce the cost of a random card in your hand to 0 this turn. Downfall
Low Profile Common Skill 1 Gain 7 (9) Block. Gains 4 (5) additional Block for each of your debuffs. Downfall
Manifest Common Skill 2 Gain 13 (17) Block. Draw 2 (3) Curses. Downfall
Misfire Common Attack 1 Deal 13 (17) damage to a random enemy. Shuffle a Clumsy into your draw pile. Downfall
Pistol Whip Common Attack 1 Deal 6 (8) damage. Apply 5 (6) hermit:Bruise. Downfall
Quickdraw Common Attack 1 Deal 9 (11) damage. Draw 2 (3) cards. Next turn, draw 1 less card. Downfall
Roulette Common Attack 2 Deal 18 (22) damage to a random enemy. Discard your hand. Draw that many cards. Downfall
Spray n' Pray Common Attack 1 Deal 3 (4) damage to a random enemy 4 times. Shuffle a Doubt into your draw pile. Downfall
Tracking Shot Common Attack 1 hermit:Concentrate. Deal 9 (12) damage. Downfall
Vantage Common Skill 1 Gain 7 (10) Block. hermit:Dead_On: Upgrade 2 (3) random cards in your hand for the rest of combat. Downfall
Wide Open Common Attack 1 Deal 6 (8) damage. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable. Downfall
Brawl Uncommon Power 2 At the start of your turn, apply 5 (6) hermit:Bruise to ALL enemies. Downfall
Called Shot Uncommon Attack 0 Deal damage equal to your hand size. hermit:Dead_On: Draw 1 (2) card(s). Downfall
Cheat Uncommon Skill 1 Play one of the top 4 (6) cards in your draw pile. hermit:Dead_On: Also trigger its hermit:Dead_On effect. Downfall
Combo Uncommon Power 2 (1) Whenever you trigger a hermit:Dead_On effect, add a random card with hermit:Dead_On to your hand. Downfall
Cursed Weapon Uncommon Attack 0 Lose 4 (3) HP. Deal 4 damage. This card permanently gains 3 damage. Exhaust. Downfall
Dead Man's Hand Uncommon Skill 1 (0) Discard your hand. Add the 3 rarest cards from your draw pile to your hand. Downfall
Deadeye Uncommon Attack 1 Deal 5 (6) damage. hermit:Dead_On: Gain 2 (3) Strength. Downfall
Determination Uncommon Power 1 (Innate.) Whenever a debuff is applied to you, gain 1 Strength. Downfall
Enervate Uncommon Attack 1 Deal 7 (10) damage. hermit:Dead_On: Gain [E] and draw a card. Downfall
Eye Of The Storm Uncommon Skill 0 (Draw a card.) hermit:Dead_On: Gain Energy up to your maximum. Exhaust. Downfall
Flash Powder Uncommon Skill 1 Gain 5 Block. ALL enemies lose 1 (2) Strength. Exhaust. Downfall
Fully Loaded Uncommon Skill 0 (Retain.) Draw ALL your Strikes and Defends. Exhaust. Downfall
Gestalt Uncommon Skill 2 Gain 2 hermit:Rugged. Gain 2 (1) Vulnerable. Exhaust. Downfall
Ghostly Presence Uncommon Skill 1 Gain 8 (11) Block. hermit:Dead_On: Apply 1 Weak to ALL enemies. Downfall
Golden Bullet Uncommon Attack 3 Deal 18 (24) damage. If Fatal, permanently reduce this card's cost by 1. Exhaust. Downfall
Grudge Uncommon Attack 1 Deal 9 damage to ALL enemies. Deals 2 (3) more for ALL your Curse cards. Downfall
Horror Uncommon Skill 1 Apply 4 (6) hermit:Bruise to ALL enemies. hermit:Bruise does not wear off this turn. Downfall
Lone Wolf Uncommon Skill 1 (0) Choose a card. It costs 0 this combat. Discard the rest of your hand. Exhaust. Downfall
Luck of the Draw Uncommon Skill 1 Draw until you draw 3 (4) total [E] worth of cards. Downfall
Maintenance Uncommon Skill 2 (1) Upgrade all Strikes and Defends this combat. This can upgrade them any number of times. Downfall
Malice Uncommon Attack 2 Exhaust a card. Deal 16 (20) damage. If you Exhaust a Curse, deal 16 (20) damage to ALL enemies instead. Downfall
Midnight Uncommon Skill 1 Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Gain 12 (13) Block. Add an Impending Doom to your hand. Downfall
No Holds Barred Uncommon Attack 2 Deal 18 (22) damage and apply 4 (5) hermit:Bruise to ALL enemies. Gain 1 less [E] next turn. Downfall
Ricochet Uncommon Attack 1 Deal 7 (9) damage. Repeat on a random enemy for each hermit:Dead_On effect this turn. Downfall
Scavenge Uncommon Skill 1 Gain 4 (5) Plated Armor. hermit:Dead_On: Gain 5 (10) Gold. Exhaust. Downfall
Shadow Cloak Uncommon Power 1 Whenever you draw a Curse, gain 6 (9) Block. Downfall
Short Fuse Uncommon Attack 3 Deal 18 (22) damage. Costs 1 less [E] per Strike or Defend played this turn. Downfall
Showdown Uncommon Attack 2 (1) Retain. Deal 9 damage. Play all Strikes in your hand on random targets. Downfall
Smoking Barrel Uncommon Power 1 Whenever you trigger a hermit:Dead_On effect, your next attack deals 4 (5) more damage. Downfall
Snipe Uncommon Skill 0 (hermit:Concentrate.) Your next hermit:Dead_On effect this turn triggers twice. Downfall
Spite Uncommon Attack 1 Draw 2 (3) Curses. Deal 5 (6) damage twice. Downfall
Take Aim Uncommon Power 1 (hermit:Concentrate.) At the start of your turn, hermit:Concentrate. Downfall
Take Cover Uncommon Skill X Add X Defends (*Defends+) to your hand. They cost 0 this combat. Exhaust. Downfall
Virtue Uncommon Skill 0 Retain. Reduce each of your debuffs by 1 (2). Downfall
Adapt Rare Power 3 (2) At the end of your turn, you can Exhaust up to 2 cards. Gain 4 Block for each. Downfall
Black Wind Rare Attack 2 (1) Ethereal. Deal damage equal to your missing health. Exhaust. Downfall
Dead Or Alive Rare Attack X Deal 8 (11) damage X times. If Fatal, get a hermit:Bounty. Exhaust. Downfall
Dissolve Rare Skill 1 Next turn, gain 20 (30) Block. Exhaust. Downfall
Eternal Form Rare Power 3 Your first 4 (5) cards each turn cost 0. Gain no [E] at start of turn. Downfall
Fatal Desire Rare Power 1 (Innate.) At the start of your turn, draw 2 cards and add an Injury to your hand. Downfall
Final Canter Rare Attack 0 Retain. Deal 13 (16) damage for each Curse in hand. Exhaust. Downfall
From Beyond Rare Skill 1 For each card in your exhaust pile, a random enemy loses 5 (7) HP. Downfall
Gambit Rare Skill 0 Put 3 (4) random Attacks from your discard pile into your hand. Exhaust. Downfall
Heroic Bravado Rare Skill 1 Ethereal. Gain 1 hermit:Rugged. Increase the cost of this card by 2 (1) this combat. Downfall
High Noon Rare Power 2 (1) Whenever you play a Strike or Defend, draw a card. Downfall
Magnum Rare Attack 1 Discard 6 cards. For each card, deal 6 (9) damage. Downfall
Overwhelming Power Rare Power 1 Gain [E] [E] [E]. Draw 3 cards. Whenever you end your turn with 0 Energy, lose 4 (2) HP. Downfall
Purgatory Rare Attack 3 Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Deal 30 damage to ALL enemies. Downfall
Reprieve Rare Skill 1 (0) Exhaust ALL Curses. If you exhaust at least 13 (10) Curses, take an extra turn after this one. Downfall
Roughhouse Rare Attack 3 Deal 24 (30) damage. hermit:Dead_On: Gain 16 (20) Block. Downfall
Roundhouse Kick Rare Attack 2 Deal 13 (18) damage to ALL enemies. hermit:Stun any that don't intend to attack. Exhaust. Downfall