Guardian cards

Name Image Upgraded image Rarity Type Cost Description Mod
Curl Up Basic Skill 1 Place a random (not random)card from (in) your hand into guardianmod:Stasis. guardianmod:Brace 10 (12). Downfall
Defend Basic Skill 1 Gain 5 (8) Block. Downfall
Strike Basic Attack 1 Deal 6 (9) damage. Downfall
Twin Slam Basic Attack 1 Deal 5 (7) damage. Gain a Second Slam (*Slam+). [ guardianmod:Socket ] ([ guardianmod:Socket ]) Downfall
Aquamarine Common Skill 0 guardianmod:Gem. Gain a Crystal Ward. Downfall
Charge Core Common Attack 1 Deal 10 (15) damage. Place this into guardianmod:Stasis. guardianmod:Tick - Draw a card. guardianmod:Volatile. Downfall
Crystal Ray Common Attack 2 Deal 10 (14) damage. Deals 2 additional damage for each guardianmod:Gem in ALL of your guardianmod:Socketed cards. Downfall
Emerald Common Skill 0 guardianmod:Gem. Gain 2 temporary Dexterity. Downfall
Incinerate Common Attack 1 Deal 7 (10) damage. guardianmod:Accelerate. [ guardianmod:Socket ] Downfall
Piercing Hide Common Skill 1 Gain 7 (9) Block and 2 (3) temporary Thorns. guardianmod:Brace 3. [ guardianmod:Socket ] Downfall
Planning Common Skill 0 Place the top 2 cards of your draw pile into guardianmod:Stasis. [ guardianmod:Socket ] ([ guardianmod:Socket ]) Downfall
Priming Shot Common Attack 1 Deal 8 (11) damage. guardianmod:Brace 3 (4). [ guardianmod:Socket ] Downfall
Recover Common Skill 1 Gain 5 (8) Block. guardianmod:Brace 3 (4). Place a card from your discard pile into guardianmod:Stasis. Downfall
Reroute Common Attack 1 Deal 9 (12) damage. Place the next card you play this turn into guardianmod:Stasis. [ guardianmod:Socket ] Downfall
Roll Attack Common Attack 2 Deal 16 (20) damage. If in Defensive Mode, affects ALL enemies. Otherwise, guardianmod:Brace 8. [ guardianmod:Socket ] Downfall
Ruby Common Skill 0 guardianmod:Gem. Gain 2 temporary Strength. Downfall
Shield Charger Common Skill 2 Place this into guardianmod:Stasis. guardianmod:Tick - guardianmod:Brace 4 (6) and gain 10 (12) Block. guardianmod:Volatile. Downfall
Suspension Common Skill 0 (Draw a card.) Place a card in your hand into guardianmod:Stasis. [ guardianmod:Socket ] Downfall
Temporal Shield Common Skill 1 Gain 8 (10) Block. Draw 1 (2) card(s) if you have a card in guardianmod:Stasis. Downfall
Temporal Strike Common Attack 1 Deal 7 (10) damage. Gain [E] if you have a card in guardianmod:Stasis. [ guardianmod:Socket ] Downfall
Tourmaline Common Skill 0 guardianmod:Gem. Gain 4 temporary Thorns. Downfall
Vent Steam Common Skill 1 Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable. [ guardianmod:Socket ] [ guardianmod:Socket ] Downfall
Walker Claw Common Attack 2 Deal 5 damage 3 (4) times. Downfall
Amber Uncommon Skill 0 guardianmod:Gem. guardianmod:Accelerate. Downfall
Amethyst Uncommon Skill 0 guardianmod:Gem. ALL enemies lose 2 Strength this turn. Downfall
Ancient Power Uncommon Skill 1 Gain 4 Temporary Strength and Dexterity. (Reduce each of your debuffs by 1.) Exhaust. Downfall
Armored Protocol Uncommon Power 1 Gain 5 (8) Block at the end of each turn while in Defensive Mode. At the start of your turn, guardianmod:Brace 3. Downfall
Body Slam Uncommon Attack 1 (0) Deal damage equal to your Block. Downfall
Charge Up Uncommon Skill 0 (1) Place this into guardianmod:Stasis. guardianmod:Tick - Gain 8 Block and 1 Strength. guardianmod:Volatile. Downfall
Clone Uncommon Skill 1 Choose a card. Place a copy of that card into guardianmod:Stasis. (guardianmod:Accelerate.) Exhaust. Downfall
Emergency Uncommon Skill 0 guardianmod:Accelerate until a card in guardianmod:Stasis returns (to your hand). Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) Downfall
Evasive Protocol Uncommon Power 1 While in Defensive Mode, raise your Dexterity by 3 (5). At the start of your turn, guardianmod:Brace 3. Downfall
Floating Orbs Uncommon Power 1 (0) At the start of your turn, gain an Orb Slam. Downfall
Fragmented Gem Uncommon Skill 0 guardianmod:Gem. Gain a Crystal Shiv. Downfall
Future Plans Uncommon Power 1 (Innate.) At the end of your turn, place up to 1 card in your hand in guardianmod:Stasis. Downfall
Garnet Uncommon Skill 0 guardianmod:Gem. Apply 1 Vulnerable to ALL enemies. Downfall
Guardian Whirl Uncommon Attack 1 Requires 20 or more Block. Deal 4 damage to ALL enemies 4 (5) times. Downfall
Harden Uncommon Skill 1 Requires 20 or more Block. guardianmod:Brace 10 (14) and gain 2 (3) Thorns. Downfall
Multi-Beam Uncommon Attack X Deal 5 (7) damage to ALL enemies X times. guardianmod:Tick - Increase this card's damage by 1 (2). Downfall
Orb Support Uncommon Attack 0 Innate. Deal 8 (12) damage. Put a random card from your draw pile into guardianmod:Stasis. Exhaust. Downfall
Orbwalk Uncommon Power 2 Gain 2 Strength. guardianmod:Tick - Gain 1 Strength. guardianmod:Volatile. (not guardianmod:Volatile.) Downfall
Overload Uncommon Skill 1 Draw 4 Cards. Next turn, draw 2 less cards. (Reduce each of your debuffs by 1.) Downfall
Poly Beam Uncommon Attack 1 Deal 2 damage to a random enemy 4 (5) times. Downfall
Preprogram Uncommon Skill 0 Look at the top 4 (7) cards of your draw pile. You may choose one to place into guardianmod:Stasis. [ guardianmod:Socket ] Downfall
Prismatic Barrier Uncommon Skill 1 Gain 2 (4) Block for each guardianmod:Gem in this card. [ guardianmod:Socket ] [ guardianmod:Socket ] [ guardianmod:Socket ] Downfall
Prismatic Spray Uncommon Attack 1 Deal 2 (4) damage for each guardianmod:Gem in this card. [ guardianmod:Socket ] [ guardianmod:Socket ] [ guardianmod:Socket ] Downfall
Quartz Uncommon Skill 0 guardianmod:Gem. Draw a card. Downfall
Refracted Beam Uncommon Attack 2 Deal 3 damage 4 (5) times. Can be upgraded any number of times. Downfall
Repulsor Uncommon Power 2 (1) When you draw the first Status or Curse card each turn, Exhaust it and draw a card. Downfall
Resilient Plate Uncommon Skill 1 Reduce each of your debuffs by 2. guardianmod:Brace 8. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) Downfall
Sapphire Uncommon Skill 0 guardianmod:Gem. guardianmod:Brace 3. Downfall
Sentry Blast Uncommon Attack 0 Deal 5 (7) damage. Place a Sentry Wave (*Wave+) into guardianmod:Stasis. Exhaust. Downfall
Shield Spikes Uncommon Skill 2 Gain 12 (15) Block. Gain 4 (6) temporary Thorns if in Defensive Mode. Otherwise, guardianmod:Brace 8. Downfall
Spiker Protocol Uncommon Power 1 Gain 4 (6) Thorns while in Defensive Mode. At the start of your turn, guardianmod:Brace 3. Downfall
Time Bomb Uncommon Skill 2 Place this into guardianmod:Stasis. When this leaves guardianmod:Stasis, deal 22 (30) damage to ALL enemies. guardianmod:Volatile. Downfall
Time Capacitor Uncommon Power 1 Gain 2 (3) Stasis slots. Downfall
Ancient Construct Rare Power 3 (Gain 1 Artifact.) At the start of your turn, if you have no Artifact, gain 1 Artifact. Downfall
Bauble Burst Rare Attack 2 Deal 10 damage. Perform 3 times: [ guardianmod:Socket ] ([ guardianmod:Socket ]) Downfall
Citrine Rare Skill 0 guardianmod:Gem. Gain [E]. Downfall
Compile Package Rare Skill 0 Choose one of three (Upgraded) guardianmod:Packages to gain. Exhaust. Downfall
Construction Form Rare Power 3 Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Gain 2 guardianmod:Buffer. At the start of each turn, if you have guardianmod:Buffer, gain 1 Strength. Downfall
Exploit Gems Rare Skill 0 Draw a card. [ guardianmod:Socket ] [ guardianmod:Socket ] ([ guardianmod:Socket ]) Downfall
Fierce Bash Rare Attack 3 Deal 18 (24) damage. Place this into guardianmod:Stasis. guardianmod:Tick - Increase this card's damage by 2. Downfall
Gem Cannon Rare Attack 2 (1) Exhaust ALL Gems, including Socketed ones. Deal 10 damage to a random enemy for each. Exhaust. Downfall
Gem Finder Rare Power 1 (0) At the end of combat, you may choose a Common guardianmod:Gem to add to your deck. Downfall
Giga Beam Rare Attack 3 Deal 36 (40) damage to ALL enemies. Strength affects this card 2 (4) times. Skip your next turn. Downfall
Laser Turret Rare Attack 1 Deal 8 (10) damage. Place this into guardianmod:Stasis. guardianmod:Stasis lasts 4 (5) turns. guardianmod:Tick - Deal 8 (10) damage to a random enemy. Downfall
Onyx Rare Skill 0 guardianmod:Gem. Reduce each of your debuffs by 1. Downfall
Revenge Protocol Rare Power 1 While in Defensive Mode, raise your Strength by 2 (3). At the start of your turn, guardianmod:Brace 5. Downfall
Speed Boost Rare Skill 1 (Retain.) guardianmod:Accelerate 3 times. Downfall
Spheric Shield Rare Skill 2 Gain 15 (20) Block. guardianmod:Brace 20 (30). Exhaust. Downfall
Stasis Engine Rare Power 2 (Innate.) When you play the 3rd 0-cost card in a single turn, gain [E] and draw a card. Downfall
Stasis Field Rare Skill 1 Gain 7 (10) Block. Place this into Stasis When this leaves Stasis, gain 7 (10) Block. Downfall
Stasis Strike Rare Attack 1 Deal 9 (13) damage. Gain 1 Stasis Slot. Downfall
Time Sifter Rare Power 1 (Innate.) At the start of your turn, guardianmod:Accelerate. Downfall