Curse cards

Name Image Upgraded image Rarity Type Cost Description Mod
Impending Doom Special Curse Unplayable. hermit:Dead_On: At the end of your turn, deal 13 damage to EVERYONE. Downfall
Memento Special Curse 0 Retain. Apply 1 Vulnerable to EVERYONE. Downfall
Aged Curse Curse Unplayable. Ethereal. At the end of your turn, add a Void to the top of your draw pile. Downfall
Bewildered Curse Curse 2 When you play another card, sneckomod:Muddle your hand, then discard this. Exhaust. Downfall
Flawed Curse Curse 1 Ethereal. At the end of your turn, transform all cards in hand into random Status cards. Exhaust. Downfall
Haunted Curse Curse Ethereal. Unplayable. When drawn, add Ethereal to all cards in your hand. Downfall
Icky Curse Curse 1 Gain a Slimed. Exhaust. Downfall
Scatterbrained Curse Curse Unplayable. When drawn, if it is your turn, fill your hand with gremlin:Echoes of this card. Downfall